Tuesday, February 18, 2025

ISO Publishes New Guidance on Cybersecurity Frameworks

ISO has published two new guidance documents to help organizations ensure that they have an cybersecurity framework and keep them cybersecure.

Developed in collaboration with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO/IEC TS 27110Information technology, cybersecurity and privacy protection – Cybersecurity framework development guidelines, specifies how to create or refine a robust system to protect against cyber-attacks.

Recognizing that many different cybersecurity frameworks exist, with highly diverse lexicons and conceptual structures, this technical specification intends to simplify the task for both creators and users by providing an internationally agreed minimum set of concepts and definitions that everyone can agree on. This then frees up valuable time for combatting the real threats to cybersecurity rather than getting entangled up in the concepts and terminology.

ISO/IEC TS 27110 is complemented by ISO/IEC TS 27100Information technology – Cybersecurity – Overview and concepts,which defines cybersecurity, establishes its context in terms of managing information security risks when information is in digital form, and describes relevant relationships including how cybersecurity is related to information security.

Dr. Edward Humphreys, convener of the ISO working group of experts that developed the documents, said the new guidance will help industry players be more effective in managing cyber-risks that are pervasive across our digital world.

“The IT security sector invests significant amounts of time and resources into complying with disparate regulations, which, in the environment of finite resources, takes valuable time and resources away from actual cybersecurity activities,” Humphreys said. “This will help to maximize resources to deal with combatting real-time cyber threats.

“Differences exist within individual countries and across global environments. These new technical specifications aim to provide clear guidance that will help organizations create a cybersecurity framework that is flexible in use while allowing for compatibility and interoperability across frameworks. This will contribute to alleviating these differences, while meeting stakeholder requirements, and create coherence across the industry.”

ISO/IEC TS 27110 and ISO/IEC TS 27100 were developed by joint technical committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technologysubcommittee SC 27Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection, whose secretariat is held by DIN, the ISO member for Germany. They are available from your national ISO member or the ISO Store.

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