Home ISO ISO to Develop Design Specification for New Version of ISO 9001

ISO to Develop Design Specification for New Version of ISO 9001

ISO 9001 Design Specification to Be Developed

The ISO technical committee responsible for developing, managing, and updating the ISO 9000 standards series has decided to develop a design specification for a future revision to ISO 9001.

The ISO/TC 176/SC2 Strategic Planning and Operations Task Group directed TG5 to develop the design specification.

The ISO/TC 176/SC2 Strategic Planning and Operations Task Group (SPOTG) met in April to review the report from ISO/TC 176/SC2/TG 5 evaluating the evidence it had analyzed for a possible early revision of ISO 9001, as requested in the ballot of SC2 members via SC2/N1555.

According to ISO’s website,”The TG5 report indicated that there was no single major driver for an early revision; however, the volume of elements, when taken together, suggests the need for one.

“The SPOTG considered that there was a need for all the differing elements to be presented in a more structured form, before it would agree to consult and ballot SC2 members on the need for an early revision to ISO 9001. Consequently, the SPOTG has invited TG5 to develop a design Specification for a future revision of ISO 9001, to bring all these elements together.”

Although ISO/IEC Directives do not address the development of a design specification, TC 176 has adopted this as good practice, in advance of the development or revision of a standard. It’s important to note that the development of a design specification does not imply that a revision of ISO 9001 will automatically happen at this stage.

It is expected that the development of a draft design specification will take approximately 6 months.

The draft design specification would then be circulated to SC2 members for review and comment.

TG5 will then analyze any comments received and prepare a revised design specification.
The revised design specification will then be subject to a ballot by SC2’s members.

Once an approved design specification has been achieved, SC2’s members will then be consulted on the need to initiate an early revision of ISO 9001.

For more information, visit the ISO/TC 176/SC2 news page on the ISO website here: https://committee.iso.org/sites/tc176sc2/home/news/content-left-area/news-and-updates/iso-9001-design-specification-to.html.